Previous Global Education Trips
Costa Rica: March 2019 (Spring Break)
After a successful 2017 program, 索莱伯里学校很高兴在春假的第一周再次提供西班牙语沉浸和哥斯达黎加服务学习之旅.
We continued our partnership with the non-profit organization Abriendo表示“状态” ("Opening Minds") in Playa Potrero, 哥斯达黎加瓜纳卡斯特地区的一个沿海小村庄,有500名居民. Abriendo表示“状态”的使命是通过教授英语的青少年和成人项目来增强社区成员的能力, 计算机技能, 和健身.
在访问期间, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 students stayed with host families, worked on a community project, 上西班牙语课, and volunteered with students at Abriendo表示“状态”. We also traveled around the Guanacaste region to zip-line, 徒步旅行, kayak, 桨板, 通气管, 参观海滩.
阅读更多来自老师兼监护人Angelo Coclanis的内容,并查看照片, 从这里的旅行.
Food In France: Spring Break 2018
韦德娱乐app下载地址 partnered with AtlasWorkshops for an exciting trip to France! 这次旅行的主题是食物, 可持续发展和法国文化和历史帮助学生们回答了这个问题, “How can France’s 食物 system change how we eat?”
As students traveled to Annecy, Lyon and the south of France, they focused on the connection that French people have to 食物, how this is changing over time, and how this can inspire new relationships with 食物 back home.
体系结构 & Design in Italy: Spring break 2018
这次独特的旅行主要关注意大利丰富历史的建筑组成部分. 学生们探索这个美丽的国家,回答有关建筑完整性的问题, 设计, 空间的使用, and structural functionality. 作为次集中,阶级制度和现代空间的使用得到了强调.
博士的许多学生. Jen Perez's winter elective, 体系结构 & Design, took part in the trip.
莎士比亚之夏! 60多年了, 这个国际公认的戏剧节在斯特拉特福德举行, 安大略.
Students traveled to Niagara Falls, spent two days at the Stratford Festival, and toured the bustling city of Toronto.
在节日里, 我们组去看日场, enjoyed a backst年龄 tour of the costume and props warehouse, 并参加了演出前的谈话!
韦德娱乐app下载地址 partnered with the non-profit organization Abriendo表示“状态” 在哥斯达黎加瓜纳卡斯特地区的一个小村庄波特雷罗. Abriendo表示“状态”的使命是通过教授英语的青少年和成人项目来增强社区成员的能力, 电脑与健身. 索莱伯里学校的学生住在当地寄宿家庭,并与阿布里恩多·门特斯的学生一起工作, 也参观了这个地区, flexed their Spanish skills, 学会冲浪, 还有更多. It was an incredible experience. 在时事通讯中, Abriendo表示“状态”的总监Rachael Sine提到我们的旅行是他们2017年3月的亮点之一。”...来自美国索利伯里学校的一群学生参观了阿布里恩多·门特斯一周, the first group of the kind to do so." Read more about our students' trip here.
“我最喜欢的经历之一是和学校一起去哥斯达黎加. 不得不说西班牙语,让自己沉浸在西班牙文化中真是太美妙了. 我喜欢那里,并且和寄宿家庭建立了牢固的联系." —SASHA, '19, about the 2017 trip
Photo by Rishabh Kancherla '19
2016年春假期间, Solebury students journeyed to France for a celebration of the art, 食物, 和法国历史. Our trip began with three days in Paris, 游览伟大的博物馆和纪念碑,然后登上TGV(高速铁路),在普罗旺斯南部地区和蓝色海岸度过剩下的时间. It was an unforgettable journey, with visits to the beautiful cities of Avignon, 艾克斯, 戛纳, Saint-Paul-de-Vence and Nice, as well as a stop in the Principality of Monaco. This trip was open to 所有的学生 in grades 9-12, 目前正在学习法语课程的学生优先.
Germany Exchange: Spring Break 2015
2015年春季,韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的学生与来自中国的学生进行了交流 Helmuth Hubener学校 (Stadtteilschule Helmuth Hubener) in Hamburg, Germany. 我们去了汉堡,在春假期间和德国家庭住在一起,或者在四月份接待了一位德国学生. 在汉堡时, 韦德娱乐app下载地址学校的学生和他们的德国交换生一起上课, took an excursion to the Baltic Sea, 参观了柏林和莱尔贝克, and explored Hamburg on a boat tour and walking tour!
韦德娱乐app下载地址为期九天的尼加拉瓜之旅为学生提供了西班牙语和尼加拉瓜文化的强烈沉浸体验, along with meaningful community service work. 学生们与西班牙语学校和社区外展中心合作, 洛杉矶Mariposa, and stayed in the neighborhood of San Caralampio. 洛杉矶Mariposa is located in the pueblo of La Concepción.
Students also spent a day at El Nisperal, an organic coffee plantation and research center. While there, students were able to take part in the harvest.
French Exchange: Spring Break 2014
2014年3月,索莱伯里学校的两名法语老师和他们的学生参观了法国. 他们以周末游览巴黎开始,然后乘火车去图卢兹,然后去 圣克里斯托夫校区 马萨诸塞州的一所学校. They attended classes and participated in activities on campus, and had the chance to explore some of the local sites, including the beautiful Basque countryside and the Pyrenees. In November 2013, 韦德娱乐app下载地址 hosted 14 St. Christophe students and their teachers.